Several weeks ago. MSP reported on a pending California State bill 1423. The bill included language stating that medical spa category offices would require a physician on-site in order to operate under the proposed law. This update contains a letter from Assembly member Gloria negrete McLeod (Chair) on the changes in the language.
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ASAPS and ASPS raise concerns about cosmetic procedures performed by unqualified personnel
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) have joined forces to raise awareness about the dangers of unlicensed personnel performing medical cosmetic procedures in non-clinical settings. Recent cases of patients receiving BOTOX(R) and tissue fillers at shopping malls, beauty salons or in their homes by individuals without sufficient training or licensure caused concerns among clinical and public health experts.
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Laser hair removal: A guide for consumers and medspa owners
Laser hair removal has come a long way since the first laser for hair removal received FDA clearance in the mid 1990’s. Older generation lasers were slow, very painful and worked only on individuals with very dark hair and very light skin. Today, lasers can work on all skin colors and some lasers are even safe for treating tanned skinned.
Laser hair removal: A guide for consumers and medspa owners
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