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» Treatment of rosacea with intense pulsed light
By MSP Staff | Published 10/9/2005 | Skin Rejuvenation , New Treatments |
Rosacea is a chronic disease that affects millions of men and women. We investigated the use of intense pulsed light fortreatment of the redness, flushing, and breakouts associated with rosacea. It appears that intense pulsed light is an effective treatment for the signs and symptoms of rosacea and represents a new category of therapeutic options for the rosacea patient.
» Reality TV may be attributed to the growth in cosmetic surgery
By MSP Staff | Published 10/10/2005 | Injectables , Light-Based Technology |
Reality TV shows are creating a greater public awareness of cosmetic surgery and may attribute to the growth in procedrues, however, these show have no caused a rampant increase.

» Barbed sutures, ultrasonic body contouring, and soft tissue fillers offer patients faster results without the downtime of surgery
By MSP Staff | Published 10/10/2005 | Injectables , New Treatments |
Patients without time for a facelift of intimidated by surgery n ow have more minimally invasive options that produce effective results.

» Minimally invasive procedure to treat varicose veins results in less swelling, bruising and minimal pain
By MSP Staff | Published 10/10/2005 | New Treatments |
The return of warm summer months can be a dreadful time for women who are embarrassed to wear shorts or short skirts due to unsightly, twisted and swollen varicose veins.

» Weight loss surgery is the most effective treatment available for obesity say experts
By MSP Staff | Published 10/10/2005 | New Treatments |
A panel of experts charged with reviewing all of the available evidence on morbid obesity and weight loss surgery today concluded weight loss surgery is the most effective treatment available and can result in the improvement or complete resolution of diseases associated with obesity, according to a consensus statement published in the April 2005 edition of the Journal of the American College of Surgeons (JACS).

» Fractional rejuvenation, the latest in non-ablative (non-invasive) laser skin rejuvenation
By MSP Staff | Published 10/10/2005 | Light-Based Technology , New Treatments |
The skin can be damaged in many different ways - some are environmental, such as sun exposure, while others are the result of conditions such as acne or melasma. While this damage affects only small areas of the skin, past skin rejuvenation procedures treated large areas of the skin whether it was damaged or not.

» New treatment for wrinkles
By MSP Staff | Published 10/10/2005 | Skin Rejuvenation , New Treatments |
Abbot Northwestern Hospital's Center for Cosmetic Care in Edina, IL now has a new option for people seeking treatment to slow down the aging process of our skin - the Fraxel system.

» Facelift alternatives rid patients of neck wattle
By MSP Staff | Published 10/10/2005 | New Treatments |
On the show Ally McBeal, a character was romantically pursued because of her neck 'wattle' or loose skin - a scenario that would happen only on television, right? In reality, many people want to rid themselves of neck "wattle" to look younger or to wear certain clothes or accessories more comfortably, without having facelifts.

» Massive weight loss patients continue to drive the growth in body contouring
By MSP Staff | Published 10/10/2005 | New Treatments |
More than 106,000 body contouring procedures were performed in 2004, up 77% over the last five years according to statistics released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

» Cosmetic surgery less risky and less painful than plastic surgery
By MSP Staff | Published 10/10/2005 | Skin Tightening , New Treatments |
Cosmetic surgery is perceived as less risky with a shorter recovery time and less pain than plastic or reconstructive surgery, according to an article in the September 2004 issues of The Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

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