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Kile Law

President of Blue Water Medical Spa and Laser Center, Kile has been appointed to the 2005 board of directors for the National Day Spa Association. She is the recipient of the 2005 Humanitarian of the Year Award from the Southern Spa Conference and is the winner of the 2004 ABBIES award for best editorial feature in an industry (spa) publication. She is often a featured speaker at medical spa conferences. Interviews with Kile appear in television and consumer publications.
Articles by this Author
» What every man wants: A day at the spa
By Kile Law | Published 11/29/2005 | Business Trends , MedSpa Marketing , New Treatments , Skincare Products |
Day Spa Gift Certificates are no longer just for women. Men are enjoying the benefits of spa treatments too.
» What's new in plastic surgery - A natural looking result
By Kile Law | Published 11/29/2005 | Business Trends , New Treatments |
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery is more popular than ever. What patients are demanding is a natural looking result.
» Laser hair removal: A guide for consumers and medspa owners

Laser hair removal has come a long way since the first laser for hair removal received FDA clearance in the mid 1990’s. Older generation lasers were slow, very painful and worked only on individuals with very dark hair and very light skin. Today, lasers can work on all skin colors and some lasers are even safe for treating tanned skinned.

» The big news in breast implants is small
By Kile Law | Published 01/13/2006 | Business Trends |

Breast augmentation is more popular than ever. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (, 254,140 breast augmentation surgeries were performed in 2003. But, the busty look of past decades is 'out' and patients are ‘rediscovering’ that the aesthetic ideal for the female breast is soft, supple, much fuller in the lower than the upper pole, and in proportion to the rest of a woman’s figure.

» Caveat Emptor: Detoxifying Foot Baths
Have you ever wondered about those 'detoxifying foot baths' sold at spa shows? Author Kile Law of Blue Water Spa in Raleigh, NC had a demo to learn more about how, and even if, they work.
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